“Set ‘em up” I said.
Brittney, the owner of the bar, raised an eyebrow as she watched me talk to her new bartender, Jake.
Not ‘set ‘em up, Joe?” she asked? It was a running gag I’ve been doing for years. Walk into a bar at Quarter to three and say “set ‘em up Joe” – like the old Sinatra song. I did it all the time with Brittney till she bought the the place and stopped tending bar.
“Nah” I said. “You’re the only ‘Joe’ here”. I still call her Joe. She seems to like it. In fact she re-named the place “Friends of Joe”. I felt honored. Especially since she’s got two names and I don’t even have one. That’s deliberate. The less people know about me the better.
One For My Baby - #6 in the What A Life's Worth Series
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(c) 2023, 2024 by Steven Gary Schlussel. All Rights Reserved